power profit with your data…the synapsum way. Learn how.


Data Smartly integrated from logistics to sales

Actionable shipping & fulfillment cost intelligence that delivers results

Use your Data with Confidence

Don’t let bad data get in your way

Whether concerned with gaps, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies in your data - fret no more. Turn on Synapsum-Approved and make decisions with confidence using reliable data. At the same time, spotlight data issue and direct clean up at the source - monitor improvements from carrier billing and internal systems.

From Price Execution to Standard Costs that Mirror Real Costs

Shipping revenue falling short of rates negotiated in customer agreements? Are shipping costs outpacing negotiated rates? In either case, you will know where you have opportunity to narrow the freight cost recovery gap. Arm your commercial and marketing teams with margin insights and watch your margins soar.

Commercial Pricing & Recovery

Sell-Side Pricing

Freight Rates that Recover Costs - Truckload, Ocean, Rail, Multi-Modal

Quoting shipping & handling using standard costs at time of order? This can get complex quickly with many lanes, legs, modes, service levels, and other factors of utilization and cost. Outdated and incorrect information can cost you millions. Generate sell-side freight rates based on your actual costs with confidence in your data. Setup data for easy load to systems where you maintain standard rates used to quote. Start recovering more today.

Dynamically generate rates that meet recovery goals

What drives the costs that show up on your carrier bills? Weight, DIM weight, distance, location, SKUs, inventory locations, commercial value, or time of year? Bring your drivers of costs - base, accessorials, fuel - into your shipping & handling rates at checkout with Synapsum Rates for eCommerce. Dial-in your freight rates to hit your recovery targets — stop limiting your business by under or overcharging . Control what your customers see, blend rates across carriers, and reward customer choice when there is flexibility to select lower cost shipping methods. Set it on auto-pilot with real-time cost monitoring.

Shipping & Handling At Checkout

Cost Anomaly Detection

Spotlight every outlier and opportunity at your fingertips

SKUs resulting in oversize/overweight charges in the last 90 days? Freight charges incorrectly billed to your account when it was customer collect/third party? Ship-to locations where you regularly incur penalty fees? These are issues you may miss in your audit if costs are not tied to the order line. Busy shippers that need actionable data to reduce costs rely on Synapsum Anomaly Detection.

Intelligence you need in minutes, not months

Split ship orders resulting in 1.5 - 2x higher costs? What will a new distribution point do to your shipping costs? Weighing advantages of vendor drop ship vs. DC drop ship? Know your baseline cost and volume mix. Quantify the impact of changes to your network on costs, speed, and emissions. Make decisions with confidence to continuously improve your operation. Turn weeks or months of data wrangling into minutes with Synapsum.

Continuous Optimization

Consolidation That Drives Gains

Know how utilization and costs will change

Shippers often fare better when demand is consolidated - lower cost modes, less air shipped on a truck or container, fewer shipments to move the same revenue. But what are the breakpoints that make a difference? What ordering behavior has the greatest impact on costs? How much will you save if customers were motivated to increase purchase size? Synapsum is designed to help you answer these questions - from turnkey analytics to pricing algorithms to customer incentive calculations - that you can bring into your selling process.

Bottoms-up forecasts that allow you to stay a step ahead

Get a tight handle on your freight costs and freight revenue outlook - product mix, locations, order freight terms, open orders, standard rates and carrier costs that drive your financial lines. Set your forecast using historical and forward looking trends. At period-end, easily view the real drivers of variance, big or small.

Don’t stop there - forecast transport capacity to partner with your carrier. Lock-in the best rates and better service your customers.

Bottoms-Up Forecasting

Why Choose Synapsum?

end-to-end SaaS Solutions for your business

Complex raw data transformed into usable, actionable insights that recapture profits lost in distribution and servicing.

Synapsum's proprietary data models tackle your most crucial cost questions, with in-year payback…"What’s the cost of lead time? Small frequent deliveries?  Ways to reduce the gap in freight recovery?"

Construction & Building materials

Retail & B2C

Equipment & Parts

Industries We Serve

Factor all your freight and fulfillment costs from ocean to truckload to parcel

Identify any weakness in your supply chain to minimize the impact on project outcomes

Sync shipping and handling to real costs to calibrate customer incentives